Alright, so we got a good part of our further tour lined up. We will basically keep our schedule between Kashgar and Ashgabat with some smaller changes. For the less accessible routes we will resort to hiring drivers, for the link between bigger cities we will try to catch trains. After scaling down my luggage to something more portable, we finally spent some time at the sights of Kashgar: The beautiful and well hidden Abakh Khoja Tomb, the main bazaar and the re-built part of the ancient city.
We closed the day with a fancy dinner of typical local food. Now, my C-Trek is parked in the hotel garage, all set up and waiting for its next driver, some of my stuff is on the way to Beijing and we are ready for being picked up to Irkeshtam Pass tomorrow morning, leaving China and heading into Kyrgyzstan for maybe 24 hours.
Postings may become a bit more irregular now as we are leaving Chinas almost 100% coverage with fast mobile internet - means we now have to stick with hotel wifi connections...